Sunday 9 June 2013

What's up with SIN?

I was studying a few days back, and this question just came up in my mind... What's up with sin? I looked at the lives' of a lot of growing Christians, including my self, and I began to wonder, why does it have a very strong hold on us?  I have lived for a few years, I obviously don't have all the answers to all the questions. Nevertheless, this article, would make you understand, a few reasons why sin should no longer have a place in your life. And these are the reasons I have come up with;
When I was young (laughs) which I still am, thinking back about a year or two years ago, I made excuses for everything. Why I didn't sweep the house, clean the toilets, run an errand, do the dishes, study hard in school... and so on.. I was a total deadbeat. Without being cognizant that all these things where pushing me from God's best, and moving me to sin. But are you aware of what love did for me? It took hold of my heart, because I thought, if I don't do the dishes, who would? I don't have any younger one's idling around that I could summon  with the task. And not doing it would make my mum mad. So if I love her, I have to first show it by obedience.
               Secondly, I recently realized that Faith is dead without work. I think it's the only thing among these three that I realized very late. There is no magic that happens with education. Call down the fires of heaven all you want. Even though I make excuses that Education is not my thing, I can do without it, blah blah blah. But all that is balderdash, because my plan initially is to kabash (speak in tongues) my way to success, which is not possible if I don't read or work towards it. I then realized that because when I was not reading, I left a lot of room for the devil to perform his tricks in my life. I gossiped endlessly, read novels that added only new words to my life, and even slept at odd hours because I would be awake all through the night watching movies or chatting away destiny... on Facebook :). So what I am doing, is not only to kabash, but to add a little hard work or a lot if it's needed into my life, so that I would produce a great change or greater changes in my academic life.
                Last but definitely not the least, hope is something I was born with. Hope is something not only Christians should have, but for all. There is something I always say, if there is hope for a tree that has been cut down, surely there is hope for me. I started saying it the first time I read Job 14:7. When an individual comes to the full realization of why Jesus died, and why He even came in the first place, the individual would come to the understanding that, what ever tribulations He/She is going through, there is always hope. It's very easy for us to get beat down, because a job is not forth coming, or a child is always ill, or a spouse not being the best company, or not having the best result, or not having any friend, or being single for a longer time than we expected or even having problems with our finances. All these things brings us to doubt God and question his existience leading us to sin against him. Let us remember always, there is nothing difficult for God to do. Let us list out all the good things he has done. By doing that, we are paving the way for God to show us what He is made of..
                 So in conclusion, always keep these things at the back of your mind: LOVE, FAITH, HOPE. Because sin no longer dwells in us. These are enough to keep us busy for a life time!

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Each moment of time that we have comes with a reminder that there are no guarantees of another like it. Each time we say ' I love you ' to our spouse, may be that's last time they hear our words on this side of eternity, each time we hug our children or go after a dream, may be the last time we have that opportunity. That's why we should work at living each day for all its worth! 

Since a crooked stick can draw a straight line, then a messed up girl like me could still write about an awesome God

Perfect peace, rest, unshakable faith, salvationthese enduring promises belong to all who trust in God. These blessings come, not by wishing but by willing, by deciding to sink our roots into God, spending time in prayer, reading his Word, holding fast to his commandments, and yielding to his Spirit at work within us. Scripture tells us we are to live and move and have our being in the God who made us. When tragedy comes, as it inevitably will, and when the world around us begins to tremble and shake, as it inevitably will, we will not be shaken. Instead, the Lord who is the Rock eternal will be there, giving us rest and peace.